Meet Robert: Our March Brocc Star

Congratulations to Robert Dozier, the DNO “Brocc Star” for March 2022. Robert has worked at DNO since 2018 in our sanitation department. He has also helped in the production department on occasion. Robert started out on third shift before moving to day shift about a year and a half ago.

Robert is in charge of ensuring both of our buildings—including the offices, breakrooms, and bathrooms—are clean and in shape. Throughout COVID, Robert has been responsible for sanitizing all of the door handles and doorknobs in both buildings. This is over 40 door handles! For several months, Robert sanitized each handle three times a day. This means that he has sanitized door handles and doorknobs roughly 37,800 times! That takes some serious dedication!

“Robert is someone who we can always count on here at DNO," said Maintenance Manager Dave Thomas. "He brings a 'can-do' attitude to our team and there is nothing that he isn't willing to do when asked. He is not afraid to dive into a task and get his hands dirty. We definitely notice his absence if he is not around. He also gets along with everyone, making our company not only a clean place to work, but a kind place to work. We could not do what we do without him.”

Robert enjoys working at DNO because it allows him to meet many new people. He says his favorite part of his job is helping keep everyone safe and healthy.

When he's not at work, Robert enjoys spending time with his two grandchildren taking walks, playing, and visiting parks.

Congratulations, Robert! For your outstanding work and dedication to the mission of DNO Produce. Thank you for your service.



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